Cartoon Johnny Bravo Guy Drawing
Do the monkey with me!
One of Cartoon Network's first original characters, Johnny Bravo was based partly on Elvis Presley and partly on Fonzie from Happy Days. Johnny takes a little too much pride in his appearance, and has little, if any, success at romance or anything else he tries. Not that this fazes him much. He also tends to run into celebrities, including Farrah Fawcett, Donny Osmond, Adam West and the cast of Scooby-Doo.
The title character first appeared in a 1995 animated short, featured in World Premiere Toons. He received his own series in 1997 which went unrenewed after 13 episodes due to questionable ratings. In seasons 2 and 3, Cartoon Network retooled the series without creator Van Partible's input to critical acclaim from most fans, but total hatred from those too at home with the original series. They also lost the writing contributions of both Butch Hartman and Seth MacFarlane (although this is justified, as both had moved on to do their own TV shows). After sitting in limbo once again, the series reverted to its old style (with Partible reinstated as showrunner) for the last 13 episodes of the 65-episode run (which also had inconsistent ratings).
The show is notable for the major changes the style in its humor experienced during the 65 overall episodes. In the pilot, and the first and final seasons, the humor was more mature and Johnny was portayed as a loser and more socially lacking than stupid. The retooled series (in between), however, was aimed more at the show's younger audience. The amount of slapstick increased and Johnny's stupidity was greatly emphasized.
The other main characters are Johnny's mother, Bunny Bravo, and the neighbor girl, Suzy. Other characters include Carl Chryniszzswics, a Hollywood Nerd who insists he's Johnny's best friend, and Pops, mentor to Johnny and owner of a local diner and quite possibly a few other, sketchier business ventures. Visit the characters page here.
In the last few years of the show's run, Johnny also had a spin-off program called JBVO. In it, Johnny was the host who accepted requests via mail, phone or online for any Cartoon Network shorts that weren't too long to be played. It didn't last too long.
In 2009, as a co-production with Cartoon Network Asia, Johnny Bravo received a comeback special in the form of a TV movie Johnny Bravo Goes to Bollywood. This led to a spin-off show in 2011 which aired only in Asia.
If you're looking for the character of the same name's page, here it is.
Now with a recap page! As of March 2013, you can find Johnny on Netflix.
Hey, baby! Check out the tropes pertaining to my series:
- Adam Westing: In addition to the
Trope Namer himself there's Donny Osmond, Don Knotts, "Weird Al" Yankovic, and Shaq.
- Affectionate Parody: Of Mary Poppins, The Twilight Zone (1959) (specifically, "It's a Good Life", "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet" and "Living Doll"), Green Eggs and Ham, and plenty of other things.
- Two that actually aired together were one of Schoolhouse Rock! (with Jack Sheldon) and one of Scooby-Doo (with the cast of characters, too).
- Aliens Steal Cable: In one episode, Johnny becomes king of a planet of Green-Skinned Space Babes, and tells them to install cable. The women comply, only to see Mel Gibson on the screen and lose interest in him.
- All There in the Manual: Cartoon Network's website said that Carl was Johnny's best friend back when he [Johnny] was a scrawny loser. After he grew up and became a macho man looking for ladies, he no longer wanted anything to do with Carl. This isn't really shown anywhere in the show and is in fact contradicted during a flashback that shows that Carl used to bully Johnny when they were younger and Johnny was smaller than him.
- All Women Are Prudes:
- The whole premise of the show is that an attractive, outgoing person like Johnny Bravo won't interest a single girl.
- It's implied in the first season that Suzy has a Precocious Crush on him (this element vanishes in later seasons, although the flash game My Dear Johnny
has Suzy trying to attract Johnny). The zookeeper lady from the pilot looked like she was interested when Johnny showed off his martial arts skill. Velma was into him. He flirted with a nerd's mom and she actually seemed to be digging him. Sumi from the Bollywood special was into him too. He also seems to click better with non-human girls like Lois (vampire... at least he did before her ex sabotaged him), Fluffy (werewolf), Carol (antelope), or Becky (moose).
- It's essentially a running theme in the show that Johnny's his own worst enemy when it comes to romance, as women are generally far more receptive to him when he stops with the constant, obnoxious pick-up lines and acts like an ordinary person, but he never manages to internalize this lesson.
- Amazon Brigade: The Tall Amazon Women in "Johnny Bravo and the Amazon Women."
- Amazon Chaser:
- The whole "Vendela is a superheroine" thing certainly didn't make her less attractive to Johnny.
- And there's Johnny's reactions to the Amazon Women. First, it has Johnny's reaction to the titular Amazons' way of war crying to summon each other.
Johnny: So you're one of them screamer-types, too, huh?
- And She-Hunk.
- Ambiguously Gay: The plumbers convention.
Plumber: "Hot chicks? Who has time for hot chicks when there's toilets to be plunged?"
- And the Adventure Continues: The ending of Johnny Bravo Goes To Bollywood special looks like this. The villains are defeated, Jiggy signs on Pinky with Shinky as his agent and manager, Bunny tells Johnny it's time for the two of them to go home, and Johnny gets offered one last batch of the overpowered magical hair gel by Sumi only for him to reject it since he claims the "power of pure awesome" it had really came from from him, not the gel. Then right before the animated, dance-filled, quick recap, credits Voodoo Guru (the man who brewed the gel) shows up for him to whisper at Johnny that indeed, the pure awesome came from the gel. Johnny tells the man that he'll need "a couple of thousand" batches of the gel, obviously suggesting he'll continue using it in future escapades.
- Animal Chick Magnet: Johnny tries this with an emu. It doesn't go so well.
- Animated Series
- Apophenia Plot: In the episode "The Day the Earth Didn't Move Around Very Much", Johnny believes that time has frozen for everyone but him because his alarm clock had been stopped at 12:00 due to a power outage and everytime he sees anybody, they have each decided to stay completely still for one reason or another, like Little Suzy attempting to balance an egg on her nose or a construction worker falling in wet cement and thinking he'd sink in if he moved around. Johnny takes the opportunity to commit crimes thinking he wouldn't get caught.
- Art Evolution:
- The art style, like Dexter's Laboratory and The Powerpuff Girls, became cleaner and digitally-colored as the series drew to a close.
- When Van Partible returned for the fourth season, the series' general aesthetic reverted back to that of the first season (albeit cleaner). Suzy and Bunny reverted back to their first season designs, and Carl (who wasn't in the first season) got completely redesigned to lose his Geek Physique and gain rounder, more normalized features.
- Artistic License – Biology: Owls don't fly onto the hand of people standing, even though the owl that hooted (a sort of fantasy tawny owl) perched on Johnny; they have to be trained by humans to do that.
- Artistic License – Law: You don't just get thrown straight into jail in the Yukon doing Prisoner's Work just for sexually harassing a Mountie in the Yukon, unless it's really egregious; at best, this was Played for Laughs. Also, the RCMP do not wear their world-famous red uniform and campaign hat all the time (even in the Yukon), although this is done simply for making things easier to understand; showing the actual uniform of a Mountie could have been
Values Dissonance for a foreign audience, and al
- Artistic License – Linguistics: Carl Chrynizzwics has an ostensibly Polish or Slavic-sounding surname, but there is little evidence of such a surname existing in Real Life in Slavic languages, and seems more like a case of Cypher Language with surnames.
- As Long as It Sounds Foreign: In "Yukon Yutz", Johnny attempts to woo a female RCMP officer by speaking French. Naturally, his "French" consists of gibberish that sounds vaguely like yodeling.
- Asshole Victim: Johnny. He does deserve some of the abuse he gets.
- Attractive Bent-Gender: In "El Bravo Magnifico", Johnny is Disguised in Drag to fool the bandit, leading to this:
Muy Caliente: [puckering up to kiss Johnny]
Johnny: [giggles] But I'm too shy and sweaty!
Muy Caliente: [perplexed] But surely a girl as pretty as you has kissed a man before.
- When Johnny became a woman courtesy of a gypsy's curse, once he/she cleaned up and changed up his/her outfit, the new lady was rather appealing to men (a little too appealing actually...).
- Baleful Polymorph: One episode has Johnny agreeing to take care of a witch's son (because she was hot, obviously) and going through some serious danger because of the toddler's magical skills. Because of that Johnny insults the Witch's son when giving him back to her, who obviously don't take it kindly and throws a spell at Johnny. The end of the episode reveals that Johnny's was turned into a lizard, who somehow can talk and still has his hair and sunglasses.
- In "The Island of Mrs. Morceau," Johnny heads to the titular island, where a Hot Scientist is changing people into animal-human hybrids. While some of them are shown loathing their transfigured states, others decide to make the most of it and perform a musical about their situation ("Let's all do the HIDEOUS ANIMAL RAG!").
- Bare Your Midriff: Many of the girls Johnny flirts with. For example, the cheerleaders in "Back on Shaq".
- Bears Are Bad News: In "Bearly Enough Time," Johnny has a run-in with a talking bear whom he has awoken from his winter hibernation and who refers to himself as "Chronos, master of all TIME!!"
- Berserk Button: "I'm only gonna tell you once. 'Don't - touch - the glasses.'"
- Big Eater: And how. Johnny has a huge appetite and typically eats in most episodes especially pizzas and anything his mother makes.
- Big Honking Traffic Jam: The episode "Time Stopped" has two lanes of traffic at a standstill, honking fervently. Then one driver decides that mindless honking solves nothing, and the standstill would make a fine opportunity for a nap. All other drivers concur until the entire motorcade is dozing quietly. Johnny comes along, sees a mass of cars not moving, nor honking, and interprets this as further proof that time has stopped for everyone but himself.
- Boot Camp Episode: Johnny accidentally joins the Army instead of the Dodgeball Camp.
- Bottle Episode: "Buffoon Lagoon" is confined to an island and only features three characters; Johnny, an African-American woman and Johnny's mom, but it's not a bottle episode for cost-lowering purposes other than reusing a character design (the African-American woman's design has been re-used from an earlier episode).
- Brawn Hilda: Johnny orders a mail order girlfriend and gets a burly European woman who happens to have the same (lowbrow) interests as he does.
- There's also the Lumberjack Queen, the burly mother of the gorgeous Lumberjack Princess (whom Johnny mistook for the Lumberjack Queen and entered a competition to get a victory kiss from). Johnny immediately runs for his life.
- She-Hunk of the Astounding League of Super People would play this straight with the imposing physique, somewhat mannish features, and deep voice (provided by Frank Welker), but not only does Johnny recognize her on sight (suggesting he's a bit of a Fanboy despite not even knowing who the Super Boots he borrowed belonged to), he also finds her temper attractive.
- Then one time he wished on a genie, for a Woman who was just like him. And ended up with a wife who was nothing more than Johnny in drag.
- Brick Joke: The first Christmas special leads to Santa holding a grudge against Johnny which isn't resolved until the next Christmas special.
- British Royal Guards: Johnny once confused a mall security cop for one of these guys, who as it turns out was just bored.
- Butt-Monkey: Would be Johnny? If not, most of the characters that suffer as a result of his ineptitude.
- The Cameo: At the end of the Scooby-Doo crossover, Johnny gets tied to a tree as Scooby and the gang drive away. Soon after, Speed Buggy shows up and offers to help.
- In one episode, Johnny attempted to go on a blind date with Black Widow, a minor Space Ghost villain who also appeared on Space Ghost Coast to Coast.
- Camp Straight: Richard Simmons appeared in one episode. Also, Carl seems to enjoy dressing up like a woman in a few episodes.
- Captain Ersatz: At a wrestling match, Johnny faces off against dead ringers for The Genius and Irwin R. Schyster.
- Casanova Wannabe: Johnny. It should noted though, that Johnny DID get the interest of at least a few beautiful women in the Van Partible episodes. One example being Lois from Going Batty, whose ex-boyfriend Woody has to sabotage her dates with Johnny and even imitate his mortal rival (complete with a wig just like Johnny's hairdo) to win her back. Mary from the pilot (she's the red-haired zookeeper) looks interested when Johnny's showing off his martial art skills and in the end says she'd date Johnny but doesn't since, as she puts it, "it looks as though you [Johnny] already got a date" (the date being the obviously male mugger Johnny has in his arms).
- The Cat Came Back: Johnny has trouble escaping a Talky Tabitha doll in "Little Talky Tabitha!"; all of his attempts to get away result in it forcing him to return, and his attempts to get rid of it just result in it returning to him via increasingly implausible escapes.
- Catchphrase: Johnny has several.
- "Right. What did I say?" Johnny almost always says this when he mistakes one or more characters as someone/something they're not... in a typical Johnny fashion.
- When bad things happen:
- Also, "Whoa, mama!" and "Wiggy!"
- In the first retool, usually whenever he sees food he likes he says "Ooooh Bacony" or "sandwichy" or just add "y" to any food.
- Celebrity Star: Several, including Adam West, Donny Osmond and Schoolhouse Rock! singer Jack Sheldon. Also Farrah Fawcett.
- One of the most interesting things about the episode in which Adam West guest starred is that the two writers who wrote that episode, Seth MacFarlane and Butch Hartman, have a huge interest in Adam West. In fact, when they split up to create their own shows, they still show that huge interest in him: Adam West plays himself as the Mayor in Family Guy and he makes guest appearances in some of the episodes of The Fairly OddParents.
- Mr. T and Richard Simmons.
- Luke Perry?
- The final episode of the series featured major appearances by Don Knotts, "Weird Al" Yankovic, Shaquille O'Neal and Seth Green.
- Central Theme: Shallow thinking is not going to get you anywhere.
- Charlie and the Chocolate Parody: Combined with a plot inspired by Soylent Green.
- Check, Please!: A series of coincidences once misled Johnny Bravo into believing time stopped for everyone except for him and he decided to take advantage in every possible way. One was eating at a restaurant for free. Nobody paid attention to Johnny asking for the check because everyone was distracted.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Say what you will about Johnny, but even he is disgusted when the "Sensitive Male" says he's just faking being sensitive to manipulate women into dating him. The aesop being you should at least be honest about yourself.
- There was an early episode where, after a little girl asks Johnny if he knows what time it is, Johnny (mistakenly thinking that the girl was trying to flirt with him) tells her that he's flattered but not interested, mostly because he feels too much of an age difference between them to make a compatible couple.
- Christmas Episode:
- There was one in 2003 or 2004, in which Johnny, Susie, and the others all went to the North Pole.
- There was another one that Adam West narrates in the style of "The Night Before Christmas," in which Johnny accidentally knocks out Santa Claus and has to deliver gifts for him. The latter is mentioned in the former.
- The Chew Toy: Carl became this during the show's last season.
- Circus Episode: Johnny goes to a circus led by the Femme Fatale ringmaster Vivian Vixen, who has captured recurring character Jungle Boy, forcing him to perform circus tricks. Johnny falls for Vivian immediately, not realizing that she's evil. She takes advantage of him, manipulating him into helping her keep Jungle Boy under control.
- Clock Discrepancy: In the cartoon "Bearly Enough Time", a clock being even a millisecond off was Chronos the Bear's Berserk Button.
- Clocks of Control: One episode has Johnny enter the cave of a bear named Chronos, who is obsessed with clocks and calls himself the "master of all time", and does seem to have the extreme punctuality to back it up. Chronos is infuriated when Johnny stumbles into his cave, accidentally breaks most of his clocks, and wakes him up from hibernation.
- Clothing Damage: "Talk to Me, Baby" has the lady shilling her book on Vandela's talk show transform into a She-Hulk style beast and attack Johnny. She rips off her clothes, exposing her underwear.
- Color Me Black: In "Witchy Woman," Johnny sexually harasses a woman with magical powers, who curses him to wake up the following day as a woman. Sure enough, it happens, and the new Johnny finds herself attracting a lot of unwanted attention from men and regrets what he's been doing his whole life, lifting the curse. Of course, Johnny being as dumb as he is, he forgets all about it by the next episode and is back to his flirty self.
- Combat Haircomb: In "Bravo, James Bravo".
- Comic-Book Adaptation: Johnny Bravo comic stories were featured in Cartoon Network Starring, Cartoon Cartoons, and Cartoon Network Block Party.
- Company Cross References: In "I Dream of Johnny", Johnny tries to use his mind to return his "dream" girl back to her previous hot form. In one of his false tries, she becomes I. M. Weasel.
- Complexity Addiction: The devil in "Johnny's Inferno" subverts this. When asked by Carl why he doesn't flip an important switch himself, the devil notes he can, and does so several times. The point isn't that an evil deed is done, but that the devil gets Johnny to do it because he needs to manipulate a mortal into a bad deed in order to earn his horns.
- Conspiracy Theorist: Adam West.
- Contrived Coincidence: Exaggerated and Played for Laughs in "The Day the Earth Didn't Move Around Very Much". Johnny mistakenly thinks that time has frozen for everyone except him, and everywhere he goes things happen that only reinforce that perception (like a restaurant where everyone abruptly decided to remain perfectly still and silent for several minutes).
- Costumes Change Your Size: In the episode "A League Of His Own", it turns out in the end that grown men were disguised as girls to play in the teams, and had magically shrunk when wearing their costumes.
- Creator Cameo: At the end of the Scooby-Doo crossover, the ghost gets several mask pulled off her, before her true identity is revealed. The masks include one-shot characters and monsters from the original Scooby-Doo cartoons, Don Knotts, and finally Joe Barbera.
Johnny: "Who's that?"
- Crossover:
- With Scooby-Doo, leading to severe lampshading of Scooby-Doo commonly questioned tropes (e.g., What does Freddie do when he goes off on his own with Daphne?) and much hitting on Daphne to no avail. Speed Buggy makes a cameo at the end of that episode.
- Later seasons saw Johnny crossing paths with The Flintstones, Huckleberry Hound and Blue Falcon.
- One episode had Johnny going on a blind date with Black Widow, a member of Space Ghost's Rogues Gallery.
- Crossover Couple: The episode featured the (one-sided since Johnny wasn't interested in Velma) pairing of Johnny Bravo with Velma Dinkly. This pairing also was seen in a commercial bumper that saw Johnny and Velma as Star-Crossed Lovers, another bumper that had Dexter have a Precocious Crush on Velma only for her to already be with Johnny, this bumper
where Velma keeps a photo of Johnny on her drawers, and in the ending of the special set in Bollywood where after the now defeated mastermind behind the plot on his and pop star Jiggy's life says he'd have gotten away with it if wasn't for those meddling kids Johnny gives one mention of Velma:
Johnny: "Man, do all supervillains just sit around watching Scooby Doo?"
Johnny: "(Johnny leans into camera with a smile while seductively raising eyebrow)" "Hi, Velma..."
- A Day in the Limelight: Lil' Suzy gets one in "The Great Bunny Book Ban."
- Deadpan Snarker: As dumb as Johnny is, he still fills this role.
- Demoted to Extra: In the last season, Pops was lucky to get a brief cameo. Carl fared slightly better with actual dialogue, but he appeared less often.
- The Dog Was the Mastermind: Parodied in Johnny Bravo Goes To Bollywood, where it turns out the plot to murder Johnny's rival Jiggy and then Johnny himself was set up by the latter's own monkey butler Jeeves.
- Disrupting The Theater: At the beginning of "Chain Gang Johnny", Johnny and Carl get kicked out of a theater due to the former's antics.
Carl: Johnny, you're not supposed to read the subtitles out loud in funny voices while making hand shadows on the screen!
- Double Entendre: In "The Sensitive Male!", the Schoolhouse Rock! character singing the "Sensitivity" song literally "gives her the D" (that is, a giant letter D). As a bonus, it's in the context of the guy telling Johnny he has to show women he "gives a D[amn]" about their thoughts and feelings.
- Downer Ending: Almost every episode for Johnny. Including the series finale.
- Drop-In Character: Pretty much all of the supporting/recurring characters introduced in Season Two (Carl, Pops, etc).
- Dropped Glasses: In the Scooby-Doo crossover, he accidentally collides with Velma:
Johnny: "My glasses! I can't be seen without my glasses!"
- Dumbass Has a Point: Every now and then Johnny would get it.
- Dumb Blonde: Johnny, very much so.
- Early Installment Weirdness: The first season featured less slapstick, and Johnny wasn't as dumb (to the point where he actually played the Only Sane Man on occasion) as later seasons would make him.
- Easter Egg: In "It's Valentine's Day, Johnny Bravo!", if you look on the wall of Johnny's bedroom as he's opening the safe, you will see The Rock's Brahma Bull symbol, raised eyebrow and all. Fitting, since The Rock was once considered to play him in the (now abandoned) live action movie.
- Elongating Arm Gag: In "Bearly Enough Time", Johnny attempts to escape from Kronos by distracting him with a VCR clock, then running out of his cave. Kronos, instead of running after him, stretches out an arm, which grabs Johnny right after he exits the cave mouth.
- Embarrassed by a Child: Johnny peruses a fitness magazine in a grocery store:
Everyone in the store stares at Johnny in disgust
Johnny: This is a men's fitness magazine! I wanna look like this, not at this! I've got nothin' to be ashamed of! (Johnny then walks up to the counter, dropping off change in shame) TV Guide.
- Ethical Slut: Johnny sometimes falls into this trope, especially in the first season. Despite being a Casanova Wannabe who never gets anywhere with women because of his brutish, moronic personality, he's always himself in these situations, and would never consider trying to trick a woman into liking him. In one episode that parodies Schoolhouse Rock!, a Kavorka Man uses sensitivity and politeness to pick up girls, and offers to teach Johnny his ways—but at the end of the episode, the guy explains that he's been lying the whole time, and would pretty much say or do anything to get a date, figuring it's OK as long as he asks politely. Johnny is thoroughly disgusted with the man and even helps to make sure that the jerk's former flames are in earshot of his confession.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Although, Johnny's not so much "bad" as "obnoxious."
- Everyone Has Standards: As much of a Casanova Wannabe as Johnny is, he never lies about who he is or tricks women into liking him. This puts him at odds with a few antagonists that are more sleazy than he is, such as a Kavorka Man who tricks women into going on dates by faking being polite; when Johnny hears this, he's outright disgusted.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin:
- In "Talk to Me, Baby," supermodel/talk show host Vendela Kirsebom changes into a superhero costume and fights her sumo wrestler cameraman during a commercial. She then turns to the audience and remarks, "They don't call us 'supermodels' for nothing!"
- In "The Hansel and Gretel Project," Carl finds the fabled witch's cookbook. "Here's a recipe for German Chocolate Cake: Chocolate, cake... Germans?!"
- Like the character from the source material, the boy in the parody of It's a Good Life threatens to send Johnny to "The Cornfield" if Johnny displeases him. Turns out he sends Johnny to a literal cornfield just outside his house.
- Express Lane Limit: In "Johnny's Inferno," one of the evil deeds that a demon makes Johnny do is going (slightly) over the checkout lane limit. The cashier doesn't have a problem with this, though, much to his disappointment.
- Failure Is the Only Option: Johnny, with a few rare exceptions, never gets the girl.
- He did in the Valentine's Day episode, but she was a secret agent and she decided it might not work out due to her job... so she erased all his memory of her.
- In one episode, Johnny meets a short, balding, chubby guy—the aforementioned Jack Sheldon—who has no trouble getting girls. Johnny asks him how he does it, and the guy sings songs about being sensitive and getting in touch with your feminine side... but at the end, he finally tells Johnny that you can just fake it and get girls just as easily, which is what Sheldon is doing. "I'd tell a woman I could turn lead into gold if it would get her to date me!" Of course, some of the girls overhear this and they are not amused.
- Technically, he did get the girl in that one episode with the werewolf chick. Unfortunately, before anything could happen, it was revealed that it just happened to be the same day that she changes into a bald, nerdy fat guy who loves collecting stamps and showing them off. So... yeah.
- In one episode, Johnny was thrown into a volcano as a virgin sacrifice. Seeing as the volcano spat him out with so much disgust that it blew up the island, we can assume he's... the opposite of a virgin. So therefore, he never gets the girl onscreen. Also, it should be noted that Johnny was surprised to hear the word virgin and try to tell the Amazon woman something, implying he would say to them that he, not a virgin.
- He very nearly came close in the Prison Episode, with all the women throwing themselves at him, but sadly, the guards realized their mistake and he's carted away in the end.
- The episode where he and a moose named Becky go into witness protection and pretend to be elephants married to each-other might be the one case he does get the girl. Not only is Becky obviously into him but when it turns out the mess started from Becky committing a massive misinterpretation we don't actually see them break-up. Making it possible they might stay together.
- Fan Disservice: Lampshaded in-universe in "I Dream of Johnny". When Carl and Johnny are in an Arabian Bazaar, Carl mentions an exotic belly dancer act, which gets Johnny excited. It turns out said dancer is a male with an enormous gut. This is used as a Brick Joke at the end; after Johnny is turned into a genie, Carl wishes for them to dance alongside the dancer.
- Fascinating Eyebrow: Johnny raises his all the time.
- Firehouse Dalmatian: In "Backdraft", while Carl recites a poem about the responsibilities of a fireman, Johnny decides to have some fun by ringing the bell on the fire truck, going on the second floor and sliding down the fireman's pole to repeat the process. Eventually, he then decides to press a button on the side of the truck, which causes the ladder to extend and break part of the wall. This catches the attention of Carl, so Johnny blames it on the firehouse Dalmatian, who then whimpers.
- Flanderization:
- A major example. In the earlier episodes and the pilot, Johnny was just incredibly cocky, socially inept, reckless and actually somewhat competent in martial arts. Seasons after, however, made him stupid, immature, misogynistic and buff without any benefit. And how. To elaborate, in the later seasons, Johnny, for all his bulk, is repeatedly humiliated by 6-year-old boys and girls and beaten up by women half his size, whereas in the pilot, he effortlessly mauled a CROCODILE. There was even an episode specifically about how Johnny was so out of shape that he made a world record for least healthy person. Apparently his flab just happens to grow in the exact shape of a buff physique.
- Oddly, in the last season, Johnny's flanderization was reversed completely, but upped Suzie's annoying tendencies.
- Flipping the Bird: In one episode where a villain and his cat steal yarn, including Johnny's blanket, there is one point where said villain flips the bird (even though he had Four-Fingered Hands, it still looked as if he was).
- '50s Hair: Johnny's signature pomp.
- Flapping Cheeks: Happens to Johnny as he looks out the window of a hi-tech bullet train in the episode "Runaway Train".
- Formerly Fat: Inverted. Johnny's muscles didn't come from nowhere. He mentioned how in one episode, he asked the prettiest girl in school to prom and he wanted to improve himself; and so he did routinely from the scrawny kid to the muscle machismo today.
- From Bad to Worse: After Johnny's favorite shampoo goes out production due to a strike, Pops reveals the same hair gel is the secret ingredient in his five-alarm chili. As soon as Johnny steps outside, his hair is immediately surrounded by flies... which soon attract birds... which soon attract cats... which soon attract dogs... which somehow attracts a giant ant emerging from the Earth's crust.
- Gender Bender: Johnny, in the season 4 episode "Witch-ay Woman."
- Genre Savvy: During the "Prince and the Pauper" episode, Johnny realizes what's going on as soon as he sees his double.
"Oh, dear. Am I really that transparent?"
"Nah, I just watch a lot of TV."
- Global Ignorance: In "Johnny Bravo Goes to Bollywood", Johnny mistakes India for Indiana and, under the belief the place is full of Indians (i.e. Native Americans), wears a cowboy outfit when he goes there.
- Groupie Brigade: For Luke Perry.
- HA HA HA—No: In "Charm School Johnny", Johnny asks Pops if the former is a gentleman, causing the latter to laugh for a long time before simply replying "No.".
- Hairstyle Inertia: A flashback showed Johnny's trademark hair even as a baby.
- Handsome Lech: There's no denying that Johnny is attractive, but his personality and sadly unenlightened attitude towards women tends to cause roughly 90% of the women he meets to instantly reject him. The remaining 10% either reject him by the end of the episode or have revealed some flaw that makes them undesirable.
- Her Code Name Was "Mary Sue":
- In "Rashomoron," his version of the story starts with him defeating a ninja warlord, and gets worse from there.
- When he holds a puppet show at Suzy's school, he makes her hot teacher fall in love with him.
- Heel–Face Turn: Pooky from the Blanky episode.
- Hartman Hips: Bunny Bravo to the extreme.
- Hibernation/Migration Situation: Johnny accidentally awakens a giant bear named Chronos (MASTER OF TIME!) from hibernation. Chronos then threatens to eat Johnny on the grounds that "If I'm not sleeping, I'm eating," but Johnny is able to successfully get the bear back to sleep to avoid this fate.
- Hollywood Genetics: Bunny Bravo appears to be a redhead under her hairscarf according to
Fanon although it's not confirmed in canon, yet Johnny is blonde.
- Hope Spot: In Biosphere Johnny destroys all the resources and equipment for survival meaning survival hopes are very low. Then by miracle a pizza delivery man somehow manages to unlock the very complexed front door meaning the crew are saved. However Johnny after receiving his pizza accidentally closes the door causing everyone including himself to be trapped in the biosphere all over again. And with no hope of freedom and the implication that they are now trapped for eternity as the door opening presumably stopped the year project the gang were right to beat up Johnny.
- Honest John's Dealership: Pops, on occasion- his stuff is generally legal, but often of dubious quality.
- Hunk: Johnny himself, though women generally don't find him attractive because he's full of himself and kind of a boor.
- I'm Melting!: Sweet Cheeks the terrifying clown at the end of "Super Duped".
- Impossible Pickle Jar: In one episode, the eponymous meathead finds himself captured by a group of amazons. They test him to prove if he's worthy enough to be their man, and the final part of the test is to open a jar of pickles.
- Interspecies Romance:
- "Date with an Antelope" is a twofer: not only it starts off as a Dating Service Disaster that sets Johnny up with a hoofed creature, but Carol's previous boyfriend was a crab. One that somehow got served on Johnny's plate in a restaurant where they were dating. What are the odds of that happening?
- And while not technically interspecies, there was also the time he dated a werewolf, one of the few women (besides Suzy) that DID find Johnny attractive.
- There was a female moose named Becky that was placed into Johnny's home by the Wilderness Protection Agency under the guise of them being a married elephant couple. Becky was TOTALLY into him, pouncing upon him and gazing into his eyes, picking him up, doing a lust-take, complete with clasped hooves, wagging tail and ga-ga eyes, then slurping his face from chin to pompadour with her tongue, afterwards gazing at him adoringly. Pretty forward girl. Then again, they had just had an on-the-spot marriage to complete Becky's cover story. Funny enough, she might be the first case of Johnny actually getting the girl since she never gets tired of him and they never actually break-up in the episode.
- And in the episode "The Island of Dr. Morceau", he made a pass at a humanoid female fox.
- When Johnny tries to win a car named "El Toro Guapo," he enters the wrong contest and is now competing to win a bull of the same name. Said bull gets rather intimate to Johnny and makes sure every other contestant loses so he can have him all for himself. By the end of the episode, there's only a female contestant and Johnny left, and once she tries to make advances on the bull, he declares he prefers Johnny. Then her boyfriend (another bull) shows up and asks why is she "touching" El Toro Guapo. Then, we have this exchange:
Female Contestant: Now that we're alone, Johnny, why don't we know each other better?
El Toro Guapo: Mmmmmm... this is getting interesting.
Female Contestant: Well, let me get comfortable.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Johnny may be crass to Suzie, Carl and a host of women, but the boy is devoted to his mama.
- He will also fight tooth and nail to keep Pops in business.
- Most of the time his brainless antics are well intended, such as "saving" the "Queen of Atlantis" from sharks or "rescuing" an oppressed pinata.
- He has also shown occasional kindness to Suzie and Carl, even though they annoy the bejeezus out of him.
- Mentioned by his foster family, a family of Inuit Eskimos, during Johnny's brief period in the foster care system. (It Makes Sense in Context) When Johnny returns home, the father points out what a nice boy he is, even if he is incredibly stupid.
- Kavorka Man: In one episode Johnny meets his polar opposite: a short, chubby and bald man that is very successful with the ladies by being sensitive and in touch with his feminine side. This is subverted when the girls he is with find out that it's all just an act, though...
- "Kick Me" Prank: Johnny once found himself at the mercy of two clowns who used their own variations of this prank: The older clown used the regular version while the younger clown stuck an "I Hate Rhinos" sign on his back, which caused a talking rhino to beat him up.
- "Kiss the Cook" Apron: In the Pilot episode (part of the What A Cartoon! Show), Johnny Bravo dons a green apron reading "Kiss the Cook" as he flirtatiously prepares Mary the Zookeeper a deep-fried peanut butter and banana sandwich.
- Ladykiller in Love: Very rarely, but Johnny did, in a Cartoon Network bumper, fall hard for Velma—it was very sweet. Unfortunately, the relationship didn't seem to work out—Velma was forced to end it because, as she told Johnny, "My career comes first."
- Has a Continuity Nod of sorts in another bumper
where Dexter develops a crush on Velma and later tries asking her out on a date, but discovers that she and Johnny are already dating. And the actual Scooby-Doo crossover episode had Velma hitting on Johnny.
- Has a Continuity Nod of sorts in another bumper
- Laugh Track: Inverted in "Cartoon Makeover", where one of the attempts to give Johnny Bravo a new style was to add a laugh track that goes off whether you say something funny or not.
- Line-of-Sight Alias: Johnny disguises as a woman and enters a beauty pageant to evade a mafioso, and signs up as "Mitch Checkouttimeisat2".
- Loving Bully: In the season 3 final "Get Stinky", Johnny's childhood bully Stinky Brownstein moves back into town and is now romantically interested in him. Johnny is extremely suspicious, with him having to deal with years of pain and humilation to the point of greatly despising Stinky even though she is a 10/10 babe. Johnny is proven to be right at the end of the episode, however it is heavily implied that Stinky does have a genuine and major crush on Johnny.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Played with:
Virtual Reality Hallucination: I did not destroy your second cousin, Biff. I am your second cousin!
- Massive Multiplayer Crossover: Johnny would often interact with Hanna-Barbera characters and even real-life celebrities during the show's first season and the last season when Van Partible returned to work on it. The other two seasons mostly lacked this, but did have guest appearances by Dionne Warwick and Luke Perry.
- Meaningful Name: Johnny Bravo is named after his creator, Ephraim Giovanni Bravo "Van" Partible.
- Metronomic Man Mashing: Johnny gets this from people he angers, and Jungle Boy did this to the evil ape advisor once.
- Microwave Misuse: In "Carnival of the Darned", Johnny takes a device that Carl made tapes his food to it, and starts to put it in the microwave, which Carl points out it not something you can do with metal. Johnny ignores him and does anyway, resulting in the microwave exploding and making a mess of the kitchen.
- Miserable Massage: Happened during "Spa Spaz". An Inexplicably Identical Individual of tough-guy navy veteran threatens to crush Johnny using massage, and leads to a bizarre ending where the masseuse is pigging herself out on nachos with cheese and dissatisfied spa customers walking out.
- Morally Superior Copy: "Send in the Clones" has a Mad Scientist create dozens of Johnny clones. Since Johnny is a Brainless Beauty, Casanova Wannabe, and Jerk Jock, the scientist decides to increase the clones' empathy and intelligence. Everyone in Johnny's life prefers the clones—even after discovering that they're fake—and decide to let the scientist keep up his work; it's ultimately Johnny who screws things up by messing with the machinery, which instantly disintegrates all of the copies.
- Muscles Are Meaningless: Johnny, despite having such a broad chest and big muscles, is repeatedly beaten in fights, even with those much smaller than him.
- Possibly justified in most cases, as he doesn't seem the type to raise a hand against a woman.
- Also partially explained in the episode where Johnny visits a spa; he has so many toxins in his body even the spa's director is surprised he can even stand. He barely can for that matter, he asks if she has a couch nearby because he gets dizzy from standing up too long.
"Hey, I forgot I had chocolate cake in my pocket!"
- It should be noted that Johnny's weakness was played up more as the series went. Compare Johnny effortlessly manhandling a crocodile in the pilot with how he's humilated by children and beaten up by people half his size in the era of Carl and Pops. This is mainly played for laughs as its supposed to show what an incompetent klutz he is.
- Possibly justified in most cases, as he doesn't seem the type to raise a hand against a woman.
- Niche Network:
- Johnny once caught a glimpse of the "Fish" Network. The channel's content consisted entirely of video recordings of fish swimming. "All fish, 24/7."
- Johnny also once had a bear named "Chronos, The Master of All Time," watch the "Tree Channel" in hope of curing his insomnia.
- Nixon Mask: Worn by a shark in the first season, in an overcomplicated plot to eat a contest's worth of surfers. It didnt work.
- Nobody Touches the Hair: Johnny has this attitude. Or his sunglasses either for that matter.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: While Johnny's voice was rather blatantly alluding to Elvis, the show had this all over the place in varying amounts. One notable case was the mayor of Aron City (prior to the retool), who was created just so the writers could make fun of Bill Clinton's mannerisms and personality.
- The gorilla's voice in the pilot episode is based on Sammy Davis Jr..
- No Mouth: Johnny's mouth appears only whenever he talks or makes certain facial expressions.
- Nonhuman Sidekick: Jeeves (who's a monkey) from the Bollywood Special.
- No One Could Survive That!: Often Played for Laughs.
- Only Sane Man: Sometimes when the episode plot calls for it, Johnny finds himself in this situation. When truly bizarre and inexplicable events are happening all around him. This often prompts him to face the audience and comment on how things just keep getting weirder and weirder.
- OOC Is Serious Business: Played for laughs in "Johnny's Inferno". Johnny inadvertently summons a demon named Derek who tries to get him to perform "unspeakable acts of EEEEEVIL!" When that doesn't work, and in most cases lead to inadvertent good deeds, he possesses Johnny, and goes to Pops's restaurant for lunch. Pops immediately realizes something is wrong:
Carl: Hey, Pops. Hey, Johnny.
Pops: Johnny's acting weird, Carl. I suspect he's been possessed by an evil entity.
Carl: What makes you say that?
Pops: He tried to pay for his meal!
- He also ordered a burger with a side of entrails and used a credit card that read "Masters of the Abyss" to pay, which probably didn't help.
- Out of Focus: Carl Chrynizzwics was severely under-used in the last season, and when he did appear, his Hollywood Nerd personality seems to have been neutered; his few appearances were simply as a cameo or the Butt-Monkey. He only really got two major appearances, "The Hunk at the End of this Cartoon", where he was used for a one-note joke, and "Run Johnny Run", as a Captain Crash driving a Fauxrarri that seemed suspiciously similar to a Mercury Capri.
- Overly Long Scream: Happens when Johnny and Carl go over a waterfall, and at one point, stop screaming to take a breath.
- Paper Tiger: Johnny Bravo is a pretty muscular-looking guy, but he's always getting beaten up by the women with whom he flirts.
- Parental Bonus: And how!
- From the episode where Farrah Fawcett comes to Suzie's birthday party.
Farrah Fawcett: "I can't remember the last time I was blindfolded... [sly grin] Oh, wait... yes I can.... heehee! Oops!"
- There's also an episode where Johnny gets a job at a troubled teen hotline and thinks it's a phone sex job. He even asks one of the callers what she's wearing.
- In the beginning of the episode "To Helga and Back", Johnny's mom was headed off to a foxy boxing class.
- "Momma warned me about women like you! ... I was hoping she was right!" [while chained to a table]
- In the Scooby-Doo crossover episode "Bravo Dooby Doo", Fred and Daphne have this highly suggestive exchange:
Daphne: Scooby, you and Fred check upstairs. Velma and I will look in the basement.
Daphne: I mean, Scooby, you and Velma check upstairs. Fred and I will look in the basement.
Fred: Right!
- Earlier in "Bravo Dooby Doo", there's also this:
Velma: Don't worry, I don't bite.
Johnny: [pointing to Daphne] Does she?
- Precocious Crush: Suzy to Johnny. At least in the first season. Is shown in the flash game My Dear Johnny
- Prince and Pauper: "The Prince and the Pinhead". Johnny a.k.a. the Pinhead saw this trope being used so often on TV his royal Identical Stranger didn't need to explain anything. It also turned out to be a case of Be Careful What You Wish For. The Prince wanted his lookalike to be too stupid to become The Usurper and got someone too stupid to keep the Peace.
- Protagonist Title
- The Real Spoofbusters: In "Hunted", Johnny is kicked out his own attic when he tries taking a rare comic in there by a ghost haunting it. When he gets Carl's help, they dress in uniforms Carl made from his mom's dress that he claims are designed for most-hunting, being equipped with strap-on particle beams. Johnny comments how they don't exactly look like the same guys in the movie.
- Reality Warper: The Bill Mumy Expy.
- Remember the New Guy?: Carl and Pops, who were randomly introduced as regulars in the mid point seasons. They became reduced to background/cameo characters during the final season.
- Repeated Rehearsal Failure: In one episode, Johnny was reciting a list of groceries while walking to the store. "A quart of milk, a loaf of bread, a stick of butter." But Suzy's interruptions get him mixed up. "A quart of bread, a stick of milk, a loaf of butter."
- Repulsive Ringmaster: A rare female example: One-shot villain Vivian Vixen, who not only kidnaps Jungle Boy and forces him to perform in her circus, but also seduces Johnny into helping her.
- Reused Character Design: Two of the Amish male characters, one young, and one old, bearded man,(from the episode "Witless", a Satire/Parody/Pastiche of 1985 movie ''Witness') are re-used for background cameos, but the woman who is the mountie in "Yukon Yutz" was frequently re-used for this purpose as a background character.
- Robinsonade: The entire episode "Buffoon Lagoon" was a semi-parody of this trope, although it came out a year before Cast Away. It was a Minimalist Cast episode with only three characters and one setting, making it a Bottle Episode as well.
- Roll in the Hay: In one episode, Johnny asks a farm girl whether she will go roll around in the hay with him; at that point she slaps him.
- Running Gag:
- Johnny and various versions of him have noted that they once kept a live animal in their mouth for x number of weeks.
- "Johnny Real Good" has Timmy repeatedly teleporting Johnny into a cornfield.
- Scooby-Dooby Doors: Parodied, naturally, in the episode that was a crossover with Scooby-Doo.
- Screams Like a Little Girl: Johnny.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Johnny is obviously the manly one, and Carl is the sensitive (but mainly wimpy and dorky) man.
- Although later seasons did have the "wimpy Johnny screaming like a girl" gags.
- She's All Grown Up: A future-set episode that parodies Titanic (1997) shows that "Little Suzy" grew into quite the attractive woman.
- Shout-Out:
- There's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it shout out to Back to the Future in the very intro—when the title shows up in three different styles, one of them is clearly drawn to resemble the title cards for the movies.
- Among many, many other things.
- Johnny Bravo, to The Brady Bunch episode "Adios, Johnny Bravo" where a manager signs Greg Brady to a recording contract and makes Greg over into a singer named "Johnny Bravo".
- In the Bullfighting episode, Johnny, the Girl of the Week and the bull drive off into the sunset and become famous Hollywood starts, featuring in such titles like Raging Bull and The Bulls Brothers.
- "The Man Who Cried "Clown!"", "Johnny, Real Good", and "Little Talky Tabitha!" are parodies of The Twilight Zone (1959)
- The intro music to "Frankenbravo" is shockingly similar to the opening theme of The Munsters.
- After saving Jungle Boy from Vivian Vixen, Little Suzy asks what he's going to do next. He responds that he'll "find a little corner of Montana, settle down, and stay out of history's way."
- There's a few Star Wars references throughout "Virtual Johnny", as well as a moment where Johnny yells "To space, and them some!"
- The plot of "Hunted!" is an obvious parody of The Most Dangerous Game.
- There's a very blatant example in one episode where Johnny and Carl dress up like the Ghostbusters to get rid of a ghost in Johnny's attic. Johnny outright says that he doesn't remember the costumes in the movie being so colorful.
- In the Valentine's day special, Johnny almost does the Risky Business slide-into the room move like Tom Cruise, complete with the opening notes of Old time Rock n' roll... except he slides into the door.
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man: In "The Sensitive Male!", Jack Sheldon takes advantage of this trope by pretending to be women's perfect guy to get dates with them. When the women find out, they are not happy.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Johnny.
- Smart Ball: Once in a while Johnny at times would get it, but after doing so he would toss the ball away.
- Spin-Off: The short-lived series JBVO, which was basically Johnny Bravo playing old cartoon shorts that kids called in to request.
- Split Hair: There's a joke when Johnny enters a lumber-cutting competition. After a lumberjack splits a hair with his axe, Johnny splits an axe with his hair—which was still on his head.
Johnny: My hair is ready.
- Statuesque Stunner: An entire island of 'em in "Johnny Bravo and the Amazon Women."
- Stock Shtick: The VCR flashing 12:00 in "Bearly Enough Time." note This is a classic gag from the days when VCRs were a thing, and a Forgotten Trope nowadays.
- Stopped Clock: Subverted. A jet cutting a power line stops Johnny's clock at 12:00, and after seeing similar events, he's convinced that time has stopped for everyone but him.
- Strange Minds Think Alike: In "Mini-B.", Johnny wanted to go to the beach to pick girls up, but was thwarted by Mama Bravo's bringing a child home from the day care she worked at. So, he improvised by laying a beach towel and umbrella on the grass of the park they were at, lied down, and started applying sunscreen on the basis that girls would be attracted to him if they saw a sunbather like him. In five seconds flat, a Cloudcuckoolander with a particularly stoned tone of voice walks by, and sees Johnny sunbathing. Automatically assuming that there was a beach on the park, the beach bum pulls a surfboard out of Hammerspace and proceeds to surf joyously, as though he were actually at the beach.
- Sunglasses at Night: The only time in the entire series run when we actually see Johnny's eyes is in Bravo Dooby Doo when he puts on Velma's glasses by mistake.
- Tempting Fate: From the episode "Karma Krisis." Johnny believes that he has broken a curse by swinging a bag of salamis in a cornfield while yodelling. He exclaims, "With these deli meats as my witness, I will never be unlucky again!" Cue tornado.
- This Is Gonna Suck: One of the running gags. "This won't end well."
- Throw-Away Country: From the It's a Wonderful Life parody, where Lil' Suzy is exactly the same except that she has somehow become on par with a James Bond villain.
Alt. Lil' Suzy: So, will you give in to my demands? [raises detonator] Or must I destroy Cleveland?
- Throw the Dog a Bone: Every now and then Johnny would get a happy ending. Or at least get the last laugh over his enemies (such as when he saw Jack Sheldon get carried off by the women the latter accidentally admitted to that all his talk of being a sensitive man was just an act to get women, or when he gets ditched by a team working on a crime solver reality show only for him to hog their spotlight thanks to a police chase crashing in his house).
- One episode ("It's Valentine's Day Johnny Bravo") had a woman genuinely falling for Johnny, but unfortunatelly she also happened to be a secret agent and had to erase his memories of her in the end.
- Tickertape Parade: When Johnny becomes the sanitation comissioner, he throws a tickertape parade to celebrate and then has to clean up after it by himself because he spent the sanitation budget on the parade.
- Time Stands Still: Spoofed in "The Day the Earth Didn't Move Around Too Much."
- Too Dumb to Live: Johnny slips into this at times.
- Took a Level in Dumbass: Johnny obviously wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer when he first appeared, but you can tell later episodes played up his idiocy and immaturity more and more. The final season, which was made after Van Partible returned to the helm, returned Johnny to his season one characterization.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Donny Osmond in "A Johnny Bravo Christmas".
- Top-Heavy Guy: Justified. We only see him training upper body.
- Umbrellas Are Lightning Rods: In the episode Johnny meets Donny Osmond, Donny ends the episode by trying to float away with an umbrella, Mary Poppins style. But the umbrella gets hit by lightning and he crashes to the ground.
- Unimpressive Progress Reveal: In, "Hip Hop Flop," a hip-hop group named The Round Pound goes out in search for a new turn-table to purchase after one of them eats their old one, thinking it was a giant sandwich; as they press on, they collapse in exhaustion, but then we see they're only inches away from their tour bus.
- Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist: Johnny tends to have a lot of bad things happen to him, but he's so self-centered that you don't really feel sorry for him.
- Vague Age: Since it has never been officially confirmed in show, it is debated as to exactly how old Johnny Bravo actually is. Some believe him to be in his early 20s or older, though this is nothing but speculation. The closest think to officially work off of for his age is that his birthday is on Valentines Day, as shown in the Valentines Day special. (Though it must be noted that he'd have to be old enough that living with his mother is as embarrassing as it is in the show.)
- The Valentines Day episode has Johnny say that he's a "20something."
- Virgin Sacrifice: Johnny is offered as one by the Amazons, who decide to get rid of him by offering him as a virgin sacrifice to Athena. It doesn't work, though whether it's because he isn't one or if he wasn't a good enough sacrifice is debatable. It leads to this laden-with-heavy-implication exchange:
Amazon: Oh great Athena, we give you this virgin as a sacrifice, to your beauty and womanhood.
Johnny: [while cocking an eyebrow] Did she say virgin?
Amazon: And I ask that you bless our plentiful land with great fortune and mirth.
Johnny: Excuse me ma'am, but...
- Walk Into Camera Obstruction:
- "Date with an Antelope" with Johnny, after he freshens up and hearing the doorbell
- "It's Valentine's Day Charlie Brown" with Johnny on his way to the library along with Lil Suzy.
- Done by Bunny in "A Walk on the Stupid Side".
- Wax On, Wax Off: Subverted back and forth in an episode where Johnny is pitted off against the best student of a rival dojo. Master Hama has him doing actual chores, and it's clear he's not interested in teaching him. Nevertheless everything he does comes in handy later, during the fight. Too bad Master Hama gave up and decided to bet against him.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Moonlighting as a superhero, Johnny Bravo accidentally blasts a (dangerous) candy-themed supervillain with a hose. This causes the villain to melt away into a soapy puddle.
- Made stranger by the fact that this villain was quite clearly a man in a candy-themed suit.
- A much later season Johny eats some spicy food as a last meal before the Ice Giant swallows him. Smoke comes out of the giant's mouth. The next moment, Johnny is drowning in a pool of hot water, screaming that he's about to be digested. Some Ice Giant. Can't even handle a guy with higher-than average temperature.
- We Sell Everything: Pops.
- Wham Line: The end of the Christmas episode, in which Johnny accidentally knocks out Santa. He gets boxing gloves and a mouthguard as a present. With a note as the narrator saying "Reading the note, filled Johnny with fear. It said, 'Merry Christmas you pinhead, round two is next year!'". In the next Christmas special, Santa hits Johnny with a boxing glove.
- What Does This Button Do?: Said by a woman Johnny is trying to pick up with a robot sidekick in "Cartoon Makeover". She starts pushing buttons on the robot, which blows it up. She blames it on Johnny of course.
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: In "Carnival of the Darned," Johnny joins a freak show and learns that the current star attraction is the Bearded...Man. As in, an average-looking guy with a beard.
- Whole Plot Reference:
- One episode was one to Some Like It Hot, complete with Marilyn Monroe stand-in.
- Another was of The Most Dangerous Game.
- There was a futuristic episode that has among his references, of all things, Big Brother.
- The episode based on The Prince and the Pauper actually ends with Mark Twain coming in and begging cartoon makers to "let this tired old story die!"
- "Johnny Real Good" is one of "It's a Good Life," a classic episode from The Twilight Zone (1959). Complete with a Bill Mumy lookalike.
- Another episode parodied Nightmare at 20,000 Feet, complete with a Shatner Parody. ** Another The Twilight Zone (1959) episode, Living Doll, was parodied in a episode aptly titled "The Zone,".
- One episode was a reference to Bio-Dome, which unsurprisingly was written better than the actual movie.
- Another Pauly Shore film, Jury Duty, was referenced in One Angry Bravo.
- "The Clueless Kid" was quite obviously a parody of The Karate Kid.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: The many times Carl dresses as a woman, and the couple of times Johnny does it.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Johnny hates clowns.
- Wingding Eyes: Lampshaded in the King Kong episode. "I have huge dollar signs in my eyes!"
- X-Ray Sparks: Every time Johnny (or someone else) gets shocked by something, you can be 100% sure that this trope will be the result.
- You Must Be This Tall to Ride: A devil once persuaded Johnny into raising the minimum required height to make children suffer. The ride turned out to be dangerous and the altered sign actually saved the kids from harm.
Cartoon Johnny Bravo Guy Drawing
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